PV Professionals
Streamline business process and realize highly efficient O&M for installers, service providers and distributors.
Coverage of All Phases of PV Plants
SOLARMAN solution is powered by information technology and IoTs technology, and covers all three phases of power stations. During development, construction and operation periods, we furnish plant developers, installers, O&M service providers with sophisticated tools to increase work efficiency and reduce management cost.
Development Phase
Sales leads tracking and order analysis , turning opportunities into sales order ; Project siting and potential ROl analysis , offering a credible forecast of plant yields.
Construction Phase
Combining customized Gantt chart and key milestones verified by site pictures , achieving a retime remote management ; Flexible construction process through self-configuration and critical path optimization , boosting efficiency and cutting cost .
Operation Phase
From problem finding to problem solving , we redefine this process with advanced technologies of Artificial Intelligence , Internet of Things and Information Technology , changing working method completely.
FAQ for PV Professionals
Go to “Plant” and click “Create” in the upper-right corner.
Plane Name, Plant Location, Plant Address, Plant Type, System Type, Capacity, Feed-in Tariff, Tilt Angle and etc,.
There are 4 methods.
1. I Am Owner
2. Correlate Owner’s SolarMAN ID
3. Create a SolarMAN ID for Owner
4. Not Now
The Overview Page will not be updated dynamically.
Normal, Offline, Alerting, Constructing.
1. via calculating the data uploaded by devices
2. via summation of daily production
Go to Overview Page to export.
Peak Hours Today=Total Production/Running Days/Capacity
Only the power plants created on SOLARMAN Business can be deleted. Power plants created on SOLARMAN Smart cannot be deleted.
Go to “Plant List” or “Plant Details” to delete a plant.
Go to “Device List” to delete a device.
Case of PV Professionals
Location: Port Klang
Installed Capacity: 5MW
- Solution Solar 1 Sdn Bhd is a subsidiary of Ditrolic Energy which undertake electricity sales under the Large Scale Solar 2 (LSS2) programme.
- SOLARMAN provides the project with data logger, smart meters and other device for power plant monitoring and management.

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