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Monitor and manage your smart energy for a better world

PV monitoring refers to the real-time data collection and analysis of photovoltaic power generation systems through various technical means to ensure the optimal performance of the system and timely detect potential problems. These technologies usually include sensors, data loggers, communication equipment, and data analysis software.

Application of PV monitoring in the home

1. Improve energy efficiency
Through PV monitoring, the home photovoltaic system can understand the power generation status in real time. If the power generation is found to be lower than expected, the user can promptly check whether the panel is blocked or dirty, so as to take measures to improve the power generation efficiency.

2. Reduce maintenance costs
Real-time monitoring can detect faults in the system early, such as inverter failure or panel damage, reducing the need for large-scale downtime maintenance. By fixing problems in time, users can avoid high maintenance costs.

3. Optimize energy management
Through the analysis of power generation data, households can better plan electricity usage strategies. For example, use more electricity during peak power generation and reduce use when power generation is insufficient, thereby achieving efficient use of electricity.

Residential Solution – Home Energy Management
Wisely managing energy use has been the 1st priority when households decide to pursue a smart life with sustainable energy, improved efficiency and reduced bills.

By applying advanced technologies of IoTs (Internet of Things) and wireless communication, etc., SOLARMAN products are able to connect a variety of devices at your home, to make your daily operation in a more convenient, com fortable and eco-friendly manner.

PV monitoring

Application of PV monitoring in business and industry

1. Enhance system reliability
For large-scale photovoltaic power generation systems, commercial and industrial users can ensure the reliability of system operation through PV monitoring. Real-time monitoring and analysis of the system can effectively prevent potential problems, thereby ensuring stable power generation.

2. Reduce operating costs
By continuously monitoring the photovoltaic system, companies can reduce downtime caused by unexpected failures, thereby reducing operating costs. Timely maintenance and repair measures can also further reduce the overall operating expenses of the system.

3. Support sustainable development goals
The commercial and industrial sectors are paying more and more attention to sustainable development goals. Through PV monitoring, companies can track the performance of photovoltaic systems, ensure that their environmental benefits are maximized, and provide data support for the realization of the company’s green energy goals.

Commercial&Industrial Solution – Plant Energy Management
More and more corporates are going green by utilizing carbon neutral energy-especially solar power generated from their plants’ and buildings’ rooftops, and at the same time, battery storage is ready to leverage renewable energy to the upmost efficiency. SOLARMAN helps the companies to get insights on power transaction and hence make smart decisions.

data loggers

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